"The Equine of the future"
Join us for a two-day english speaking event featuring engaging panel discussions, poster presentations, and collaborative working groups. Connect with like-minded individuals who are committed to looking beyond traditional welfare approaches and setting a visionary path for the future of equine-human coexistence and interactions.
Experience the unique environment of Cavalls de Terraprim, where our herd of 50 horses has demonstrated that a new, more harmonious way of coexistence is not only possible but transformative.
Enjoy full-board accommodations with delicious vegan and gluten-free meals at the charming Catalan rural hotel Can Fonsu, located in the picturesque village of Galliners.
Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to shaping a bold statement: that equines deserve more than basic welfare, they deserve a future built on respect, understanding, and meaningful collaboration.
The restriction of freedom for horses living in the human world, confined behind fences no matter how large the spaces may be, has a profound impact on their physical, psychological, and emotional development and well-being. Just like humans deprived of freedom, this limitation generates boredom, stress, frustration, and stereotypic behaviors due to the lack of autonomy, stimulation, and the inability to express their natural behaviors. It affects their development as individuals, limiting their ability to explore, learn, and adapt to new situations, which significantly impacts their overall well-being. As those responsible for their welfare, we have a moral obligation to compensate for these restrictions by creating enriching environments and activities that promote their physical, mental, and social health and development. This includes providing access to suitable spaces, healthy social interactions with other horses, and activities that stimulate their minds and bodies. By doing so, we not only mitigate the negative effects of confinement but also contribute to improving their quality of life and respecting their nature as living beings with intrinsic needs.

Why humans choose to be with or ride equines?
The theme delves into the complex and sometimes obscure reasons behind why humans engage with equines. These motivations can range from a desire for power and control in the relationship, seeking adrenaline-fueled experiences, or fitting into social groups where equestrian activities hold prestige. On the other hand, it can also include genuine care and love for equines, driven by a desire to connect and nurture a mutually respectful bond. Understanding these dynamics is crucial to fostering ethical and mindful interactions with equines.
Sustainable and Ethologically Appropriate Environments
In responsible equine care, it is essential to prioritize both environmental and economic sustainability. This means considering the impact of equine management practices on natural resources while ensuring that care remains economically viable. Additionally, providing enriched and tailored environments to the species' needs is crucial for their well-being.
Sustainable, ethologically appropriate settings should include opportunities for equines to explore, experiment, and learn. These environments must offer adequate physical and mental stimulation and challenges that align with the natural behaviours and instincts of the species. Such an approach not only supports the equines' physical, emotional, and cognitive health but also promotes a harmonious coexistence that benefits both the animals and the humans caring for them.
Win-Win. The future of activities together with equines
The Need for Human Interaction in Domestic Equines:
Opportunities and Constraints
From a holistic perspective on equine wellbeing, it is essential to address the physical, emotional, and social needs of equines comprehensively. This approach ensures that every aspect of their lives and interactions with humans aligns with ethical principles. It not only considers the equine's physical health but also emphasizes their emotional well-being and the ability to express natural behaviors. Moreover, an ethical view of horse management requires treatment based on respect, empathy, and responsibility toward the animal as a sentient being.
When activities involving equines are designed and implemented with these principles in mind, equines can experience numerous benefits that positively impact their overall well-being. These benefits stem from a healthy and mutually enriching relationship between equines and humans.
For domestic equines, participation in activities with humans is crucial to compensate for the restriction of freedom imposed on them by boarding in domestication, which is directly linked to their physical, emotional, and social welfare.
Speechers from earlier conferences
Turid Buvik
Equine Cognition
MBA, Master level ecology, Master level environmental law and management. Scientist working with big mammals, entrepreneur, Behavioural therapist on animals and international speaker. Founder of Trondheim Dogtraining school, previous researchprojects being with Behaviour of whales, moose, Cancerdogs, Pollutiondogs and behaviour of horses.
Stuart and Jane Myers
Sustainable Horse Keeping
Stuart and Jane Myers MSc (Equine Science - Grazing Behavior) formed Equiculture over 20 years ago and developed a Sustainable Horse / Land Management system called "The Equicentral System". They lived in Australia for 24 years before returning to the United Kingdom. While in Australia they worked closely with natural resource managers across the country to deliver talks to horse owners on the subject of sustainable horse / land management and have also written several books on the subject. Once back in the UK they developed a comprehensive online resource for horse owners. Their website is www.equiculture.net
Jo Hockenhull
Human and equine relations
Bristol University
Jo is an animal behavior and welfare research scientist at Bristol Veterinary School. She has participated in wellness research on a wide range of species, from leisure horses and cattle to cetaceans, but her passion has always been horses. Jo's doctoral thesis investigated the prevalence of behavioral problems in UK leisure horses and their associated risk factors. She has been riding since she was 10 years old and has had an Irish cob on partial loan for 9 years since she came to her garden when she was 4 years old.
Karen McComb
Equine behavior, identifying emotions
Karen McComb is Professor of Animal Behaviour and Cognition at University of Sussex. Her research has focused on studying animal communication and finding new ways to explore animal minds. She has worked on a wide variety of mammal species including red deer, lions, elephants, as well as domestic horses, cats and dogs. In this talk she will discuss the most recent work by her team on emotional awareness in horses – and provide some insights into how horses respond to the emotions of their human caregivers.
Lucy Rees
The role of the horse in today's society
Equine ethologist, tamer, teacher and writer. Her scientific knowledge and her studies on “wild” horses are combined with extensive experience with horses of all types, use and country in a holistic vision of the problems experienced by the horses in our hands.
Since our concepts of equine well-being and treatment must be derived from the natural life of horses, she has a herd of pottokas, the Basque primitive race, living and creating without human interference, to encourage observation and study of their natural behavior. www.lucyrees.com
Amy McLean
Quality of life of mules and donkeys, human / animal interaction
Dr. McLean has dedicated her professional career to conducting donkey and mule research that focuses on improving the management and welfare of these animals based on the idea that improving their welfare will also help improve the welfare of families. for those who work. McLean is an assistant professor of equine science teaching in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California Davis. She obtained her Ph.D. from Michigan State University in the area of equine science, where she studied methods to improve the welfare of working donkeys in Mali, West Africa. McLean serves as the board of directors for several national donkey and mule organizations. In her spare time, she volunteers and serves as the board of directors for the Equitarian Initiative that focuses her efforts on equines in Central and South America. She is also co-chair of the Annual Donkey Welfare Symposium held annually at UC Davis.
Ben Hart
The role of the horse in today's society
Ben is on a mission to help people understand the true nature of equines by using the honesty of behavioral science to help both animals and their people unlock their true potential. Ben removes myths and dependency from dominance and forceful training methods and focuses on effective and positive solutions that focus on both animal and human. He is also the author of several books on equine behavior and clicker training, as well as the creator of a unique series of individual equine training plans and online courses. He has worked with horses, mules, donkeys, and people around the world: from mustangs and racehorses in California, workhorses in Australia, pleasure horses in Canada and Europe, and working equines in Cambodia and Ethiopia, Egypt, Mexico , Kenya. IAABC Certified Horse Behavior Consultant and ABTC Accredited Animal Behavior Certificate. www.hartshorsemanship.com
Tamzin Furtado
Human behavior change for the welfare of horses
Tamzin is a social scientist with a background in global health, and has a specific interest in the interconnections between human and animal health and wellbeing. She completed a PhD at the University of Liverpool studying how we can improve the management of obesity in horses, particularly focusing on horse-human relationships and human behaviour change. She now works on projects covering a wide range of aspects of understanding human behaviour in order to improve companion animal welfare, and in using social sciences to find out more about how we can help people to change. http://www.hbcforanimals.com/
Arnau Seix
How to advertise and sell products in emerging equestrian markets
Founder and CEO of Drop & Vase, he is also a freelance marketing and publicity consultor, and co.founder of titbit.tv, an online video creating platform. Arnau holds an honors degree in Advertising and Public Relations, specialising in strategic marketing and has extensive experience leading high profile projects and overseeing accounts on a daily basis.
Emily Kieson
Domestic equine social behavior, interactions and implications for the equine-human bond
Emily has over 20 years full time experience as a horse trainer and instructor with ten years in the field of equine-assisted therapies. She holds a M.S. in Psychology, a graduate degree in Equine Science, is a certified Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning (ESMHL) with the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH), and serves on the Equine Welfare Committee through PATH. Her research focuses on equine behavioral psychology in the context of the horse-human interaction and potentials for interspecies communication and social bonding. She is currently based in Oklahoma and works with organizations and professionals around the world in both research and education.
Marine Lercier
The participation of horses in human activities. A way of working.
French jurist specialized in European Union Law, Public International Law, International Humanitarian Law, Transitional Justice and International Human Rights. Her main research interests in Animal Law are the fundamental rights of animals, themodernization of the legal status of animals, animal labor, the legal protection of horses, the welfare of racehorses, the EU legislative framework for the protection of animal welfare, the impact of animal farming on climate change and the globalization of animal law.
Lee Deigaard
Horse in the museum
An artist from New Orleans and rural Georgia. Responding to spontaneous voluntary interactions with curious and generous animal collaborators, her work explores multi-species empathy and animal cognition and personality. Her work has appeared in Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, the National Geographic PROOF blog, Lenscratch, Oxford American, and as part of Format International in the UK, and appeared on Pride of Place at the New Art Museum Orleans.
Katarina Felicia Lundgren
Cognitive science and the theory of intersubjectivity to understand equine-human interaction and coexistence.
Since 2008 Katarina has focused on education and human-horse interaction. It started by developing a non-traditional riding and education school / center, which went on to offer horse holiday packages, and then moved into the field of equine assisted human growth and learning therapies and activities without equine assistance. Katarina is the director of the MiMer NGO Center, an education, research and treatment center and a networking and information center. They educate (and develop education) and do research on equines as biological, social, emotional and cognitive beings, equine well-being and ethics, equine-human interaction, equines in therapy and learning programs, trauma in humans and equines and modalities of equine assisted intervention. The objective at MiMer is to develop a comprehensive education that sets the standards and contains the equine knowledge and equine-human interaction that is needed in the field of equine assisted activities and therapies. https://www.mimercentre.org/
Marie Catherine Martin
Why is it necessary to talk about the sensitivity of the animal and the consciousness of man?
Consultant during 3 years then teacher in University and professional training for 7 years, pony breeder and responsible for an associative equestrian center for 18 years, (specialised in disabilited children) and today animal mediation practitioner with children and seniors. Doctor in economics, University Diploma in animal and human ethology with Boris Cyrulnik during 2 years, yoga insctructor and President of the association les poneys et l'enfant, Aix-en-Provence France.
Adrià Voltes
Animal sensitivity and post-anthropocentric gyration
Fundación Franz Weber Degree in Genetics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Postgraduate Studies in Biomedicine at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Doctorate in Neurobiology at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Researcher of Anthropology of Animal Life, Grup d'Estudis d'Etnozoologia attached to the Catalan Institute of Anthropology. Scientific consultant and scientific communication at the Franz Weber Foundation. adria.voltes@gmail.com
Jo Hockenhull
Social media as a force for improving equine welfare
University of Bristol
Jo is an animal behaviour and welfare research scientist at Bristol Veterinary School. She has participated in welfare research on a range of species, from leisure horses and livestock to cetaceans, but her passion has always been horses. Jo’s PhD thesis investigated the prevalence of behaviour problems in UK leisure horses and their associated risk factors. She has ridden since the age of 10 and has had Irish Cob Oscar on part loan for 9 years since he arrived on her yard as a 4-year-old.